Chocolate gluten – free tart

Hi there 🙂 I am texting this post while my kids sleeping in the Hong Kong quarantine. I have to be very fast so there in no some special introduction – the tart is gluten free, easy to make and super tasty. Try to make in your kitchen and share some photos with me :).


  • 150 g of almond flour

  • 100 g of raw cacao powder

  • 8 eggs

  • 400 g of brown sugar (200g for the brittle and 200g for the tart)

  • 250 g of butter

  • 300 g of roasted hazelnuts

  • 90 ml of water


  • Beat the butter until becomes creamy.
  • When the butter is creamy add the cacao powder.
  • At the other side beat the eggs and 200 g of sugar.
  • When you are done with the butter at one side and with eggs & sugar at the other side mix everything in one bowl and add the almond flour. Mix very well.
  • Pour everything into the mould (around 26 cm round baking tin) and bake around 50 min at 160 C.
  • Cut the hazelnuts into the smaller pieces and roast in the non-sticking pan or bake shortly (around 10 minutes ) using non-sticking paper in the oven.
  • Mix the water and rest of sugar in the deep pot and put on high temperature without stirring until you have caramel form.
  • When the caramel sauce is done mix the roasted hazelnuts with the caramel.
  • When the tart is done pour the tart with the caramel brittle.